Sunday, February 04, 2007

Atlanta Apartment Roommates

One of the main criteria for choosing an apartment is its proximity to one's workplace. If one can avoid or lessen the daily commute, the savings in terms of time, money and energy are worth more than anything. However, often apartment hunters face a dilemma of finding only expensive apartments near their workplaces. When faced with such a dilemma one solution that has become very popular is sharing the apartment with a roommate.

Having roommates has its pros and cons. While the presence of a roommate might impinge upon your privacy, it adds an element of safety. Rent costs are halved and one gets the advantage of companionship. However one needs to be very careful while choosing a roommate. A roommate with the wrong kind of friends and habits can wreak havoc on your life. So it is always advisable to look for references or, if possible, share your apartment with someone you already know.

It doesn't always happen that you find your ideal roommate in your place of work/study. As a supply for this demand, several Web sites have sprung up where people looking for roommates and those looking for homes to share, can register. Each site gives you certain criteria which narrow down the search from its database. This will help you find a roommate pretty fast. The only drawback in this system is that it is hard to verify credentials. In that case one needs to trust one's gut instincts and pay close attention to potential roommates. Evaluate them objectively and then go in for a mutual arrangement. Several Web sites dealing with real estate also have roommate registering sections. One can search through such databases and arrange to meet the potential roommates in person and then make a decision.

If you have rented an apartment, pay close attention to what your contract states. At times, the number of residents allowed in an apartment is specified. It is also essential to iron out how household expenses will be shared. An apartment needs maintenance too. So be sure to divide up the housekeeping duties also. Several happy roommate relationships have been known to break down over issues like expenses and housekeeping. Planning all of these things in advance can help to make sure these problems do not happen.

One of the main criteria for choosing an apartment is its proximity to one's workplace. If one can avoid or lessen the daily commute, the savings in terms of time, money and energy are worth more than anything. However, often apartment hunters face a dilemma of finding only expensive apartments near their workplaces. When faced with such a dilemma one solution that has become very popular is sharing the apartment with a roommate.

Having roommates has its pros and cons. While the presence of a roommate might impinge upon your privacy, it adds an element of safety. Rent costs are halved and one gets the advantage of companionship. However one needs to be very careful while choosing a roommate. A roommate with the wrong kind of friends and habits can wreak havoc on your life. So it is always advisable to look for references or, if possible, share your apartment with someone you already know.

It doesn't always happen that you find your ideal roommate in your place of work/study. As a supply for this demand, several Web sites have sprung up where people looking for roommates and those looking for homes to share, can register. Each site gives you certain criteria which narrow down the search from its database. This will help you find a roommate pretty fast. The only drawback in this system is that it is hard to verify credentials. In that case one needs to trust one's gut instincts and pay close attention to potential roommates. Evaluate them objectively and then go in for a mutual arrangement. Several Web sites dealing with real estate also have roommate registering sections. One can search through such databases and arrange to meet the potential roommates in person and then make a decision.

If you have rented an apartment, pay close attention to what your contract states. At times, the number of residents allowed in an apartment is specified. It is also essential to iron out how household expenses will be shared. An apartment needs maintenance too. So be sure to divide up the housekeeping duties also. Several happy roommate relationships have been known to break down over issues like expenses and housekeeping. Planning all of these things in advance can help to make sure these problems do not happen.


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