Friday, October 20, 2006

Home Building - Interior Home Lighting

Home lighting is probably the most important element in home interior decorating, because it is instrumental in setting the mood of any room. It can affect performance, mood, morale, safety and security. When deciding what lighting to use in your new home it’s important to consider how each room will be used, what fixtures are appropriate, energy efficiency and cost. To ensure that you will achieve the desired effect for your rooms, you first need to understand the four basic types of home lighting.

Ambient or general lighting illuminates the whole room. It is a good idea to install a dimmer with your track and recessed lights so that you have the flexibility to adjust the brightness. Examples of ambient lighting are recessed downlights, cove lighting, soffit lighting, valance lighting, wall washers, sconces, surface-mounted lights, pendant lights, track lights, chandeliers, under-cabinet lights and portable fixtures.

Task lighting provides sufficient light to help you perform the task at hand, for example reading, cooking, shaving, etc. Task lighting should be glare free and it should make things easy to see without tiring or straining your eyes. Examples of task lighting are valance lighting, pendant lights, under-cabinet lights and portable fixtures.

Accent lighting is focused lighting that is used to illuminate an object in your home like a sculpture, piece of art, or architectural element. Accent lighting is about three times as bright as ambient lighting. Example of accent lighting are wall washers, sconces, track lights and under-cabinet lights.

Natural lighting comes through windows, doors, and skylights and depending on the time of day, season, or weather, it can vary in brightness and intensity.

Types of Lighting Fixtures

Once you've considered what types of activities will be taking place in a room and what type of lighting is needed, you’ll need to decide what fixture will work best in each room in your new home and don’t be afraid to use multiple types of interior lighting. In fact, mixing and matching different light fixtures can help create a dramatic look and aesthetically pleasing room. The type of lighting you choose can also help make a room look larger or smaller.

Be prepared: Walking into any light fixture store can be overwhelming, so be sure to have a list of the types of fixtures your considering and how many you will need in each room. Before purchasing any fixtures, make sure you ask your builder if there are any restrictions on the types of fixtures that can be used in any specific room, because sometimes things such as ductwork, insulation or ceiling height can affect whether or not a fixture can be installed properly in a room.

Tip: Your local American Lighting Association (ALA) showroom is the best place to view the many different styles, sizes and shapes of lighting fixtures that are available to deliver the ambient/general, task, and accent light you need. Below is a list of the different types of lighting fixtures.

Hall/Foyer Fixtures can create a harmonious atmosphere, while providing you with the general lighting you need to greet guests and move safely from room to room. Use ceiling, chain-hung, or close-to-ceiling fixtures in hallways, stairways, and entranceways.

Home lighting is probably the most important element in home interior decorating, because it is instrumental in setting the mood of any room. It can affect performance, mood, morale, safety and security. When deciding what lighting to use in your new home it’s important to consider how each room will be used, what fixtures are appropriate, energy efficiency and cost. To ensure that you will achieve the desired effect for your rooms, you first need to understand the four basic types of home lighting.

Ambient or general lighting illuminates the whole room. It is a good idea to install a dimmer with your track and recessed lights so that you have the flexibility to adjust the brightness. Examples of ambient lighting are recessed downlights, cove lighting, soffit lighting, valance lighting, wall washers, sconces, surface-mounted lights, pendant lights, track lights, chandeliers, under-cabinet lights and portable fixtures.

Task lighting provides sufficient light to help you perform the task at hand, for example reading, cooking, shaving, etc. Task lighting should be glare free and it should make things easy to see without tiring or straining your eyes. Examples of task lighting are valance lighting, pendant lights, under-cabinet lights and portable fixtures.

Accent lighting is focused lighting that is used to illuminate an object in your home like a sculpture, piece of art, or architectural element. Accent lighting is about three times as bright as ambient lighting. Example of accent lighting are wall washers, sconces, track lights and under-cabinet lights.

Natural lighting comes through windows, doors, and skylights and depending on the time of day, season, or weather, it can vary in brightness and intensity.

Types of Lighting Fixtures

Once you've considered what types of activities will be taking place in a room and what type of lighting is needed, you’ll need to decide what fixture will work best in each room in your new home and don’t be afraid to use multiple types of interior lighting. In fact, mixing and matching different light fixtures can help create a dramatic look and aesthetically pleasing room. The type of lighting you choose can also help make a room look larger or smaller.

Be prepared: Walking into any light fixture store can be overwhelming, so be sure to have a list of the types of fixtures your considering and how many you will need in each room. Before purchasing any fixtures, make sure you ask your builder if there are any restrictions on the types of fixtures that can be used in any specific room, because sometimes things such as ductwork, insulation or ceiling height can affect whether or not a fixture can be installed properly in a room.

Tip: Your local American Lighting Association (ALA) showroom is the best place to view the many different styles, sizes and shapes of lighting fixtures that are available to deliver the ambient/general, task, and accent light you need. Below is a list of the different types of lighting fixtures.

Hall/Foyer Fixtures can create a harmonious atmosphere, while providing you with the general lighting you need to greet guests and move safely from room to room. Use ceiling, chain-hung, or close-to-ceiling fixtures in hallways, stairways, and entranceways.